Monday, September 26, 2005


well, it's been 8 days since the water outing, and my knee is better, but not runnable yet. i thought it would have been by now, so i made an appointment to see dr. spears this thursday. all of the discomfort has gone away throughout my inner leg with the exception of a very localized spot on the inside of my leg, near the top of the tibia. based upon my web research, i'm guessing that i've hyperextended my left MCL, that it's a first- or second-degree sprain, and that RICE and time are all that i have at my disposal. certainly, i would feel a little bit better if a trusted medical professional would tell me that (or more specifically, tell me that it's not something worse).

and of course, a big 10k here in town is coming up this sunday, and i suspect that i'll be watching from the sidelines.

on a more positive note, i did find a roommate for my trip to boston next april: my friend tracy from the austin runners club. he's a seasoned marathoner and ultra-marathoner; we met at the saturday AM duncan park club runs ~5 years ago. he's been to boston before as well--i'm glad to have a friend aboard to split the cost. now if only this knee would heal faster...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


i'll have to say that this is the closest i've come to praying in 10-15 years.

please let rita turn north and hit new orleans. please. it only makes sense.